1. To protect and preserve The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki®, a complete intact Science of Universal, Radiant, Light energy, for present and future generations in perpetuity in global consciousness, harmony, healing/wholing and unconditional love;
2. To promote, protect, enhance and expand the public understanding of and interest in The Radiance Technique® by providing a non-voting international membership for both alumni of The Radiance Technique® , TRT®, Authentic Reiki® and other interested supporters; and to establish, support and encourage the ongoing expansion of The Radiant TRT Heart First Ashram® on an international basis;
3. To provide for research and development projects and publishing projects pertaining to The Radiance Technique®, Real Reiki®, and to promote through education, research and distribution of materials the widespread understanding of the science of universal energy, which is helpful, beneficent and benevolent to All Peoples in the basic human right to achieve wholeness, balance, health in body, mind and spirit; peace, integrity, intelligence, love, spiritual awakening and enlightenment;
4. To explore and record the interaction of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), Authentic Reiki®, with the living dynamic of people in their daily lives, with plants and animals and with all other living systems; to maintain experiential data from the alumni of The Radiance Technique®(TRT®), Real Reiki®, and the use of Radiant Touch® as social research and service for this and future generations; and to maintain an accurate historical recording of the history of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) as a permanent archive and to provide and protect the continuance of TRT® archives;
5. To provide for the ongoing education of the public regarding The Radiance Technique®, Radiant Touch®, Real Reiki®, and to publish materials on a continuous basis as a service to members as well as distribute publications as part of varied educational projects; and to support the worldwide outreach of information through preparation and distribution of materials concerning The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), Authentic Reiki®, in written, audio/visual and electronic forms; and to establish and maintain endowments to support the printing and distribution of materials about The Radiance Technique®, Real Reiki®;
6. To aid in Service to All Life Forms through the understanding of the Essential Unity and Oneness of All Life and the Essential Peaceful Inner-Relationship of the Transcendental, Universal Energy Principle inherent in All Life;
7. To promote international understanding and cooperation in responsible group service for humanity and all life, in mutual respect, love and harmlessness, in peaceful caretaking and in the principle of unity within our diversities; to be a center for and to cooperate with other organizations in benevolent activities contributing to global stability, unity, peace, and the continuing development of right human relations and the evolution of expanded consciousness for all of humanity's unfolding process; to contribute to increasing in knowledge and understanding of the dignity and worth of all human beings, of all animals and of all living things, and to promote right human relations and peaceful co-existence among all peoples and all living things on planet Earth.
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Last modified
June 18, 2024