A long tribute was sent by TRTIA to students and friends in September 2020. If you did not receive the email, please contact the TRTIA office.
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Barbara Aurora was one of the very first Authorized Instructors of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® trained by Dr. Barbara Ray. Aurora taught students all over the United States and worldwide and for some years was a member of the Teacher Training Faculty. She introduced thousands of people to The Radiance Technique® and is especially remembered with gratitude by those who learned about this profound science through her.
Aurora began her career as a soprano with the Minnesota Opera and sang more than forty roles with the company. When she began to teach The Radiance Technique®, her outreach was particularly strong among performers. She taught many well-known singers and actors in addition to students of all ages and backgrounds. Her musical leadership at TRTIA conferences was memorable and inspiring.
In writing about her own experience using TRT®, she said, "Through the use of the expanded Attunement Process, my healing and wholing have moved in ways I would have never thought possible.... I give great gratitude to Dr. Barbara Ray for her commitment in protecting the integrity of this intact system and her great wisdom as a teacher and her unconditional love in bringing TRT® forward for humanity."
We remember Radiant Aurora for her decades of service to The Radiance Technique® and to her many students.
- Katherine Lenel, TRTIA President
Shoshana Shay, TRTIA Director of Information Systems
Ann Healy, TRTIA Administrative Assistant
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Irini Garazioti was the first Authorized Instructor of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® in Italy and profoundly committed to this intact sacred science. Her passion and enthusiasm spoke to her many students and to everyone who had the joy of being with her at TRTIA Conferences. She was one of the donors who stepped forward to help TRTIA purchase its international headquarters. Even though in more recent years Irini's health did not permit her to travel to TRTIA conferences, she was always participating, as well as sending contributions and supportive emails.
Irini will always be remembered and celebrated by what she knew as her "Radiant family." After completing a career as a world-renowned mezzo-soprano, Irini devoted herself whole-heartedly for more than twenty-five years to studying and teaching TRT®. She translated The Official Handbook of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® into Italian and supported a dedicated group of TRT® students.
At a TRTIA Conference in 2011 Irini said the following, which expresses in her own words and inimitable style some of her feeling for being able to teach The Radiance Technique®:
"What name do I give to this infinite joy, this emotion, this smile of the soul which never ends, when I am standing in front of a student and I am having the honour to attune him and to open for him the door towards this new, great Radiant spiritual journey for his lifetime?"
Irini's sharing for the 2015 edition of The Official Handbook concludes:
"To understand and live the opportunities that life offers me, to evaluate with gratitude that which I have. THESE ARE THE INVALUABLE GIFTS THAT THE RADIANCE TECHNIQUE® HAS GIVEN ME...."
Our Heart First Love remembering Radiant Irini in enormous Gratitude for her dedication to the sacred science of The Radiance Technique® into Forever.
- Katherine Lenel, TRTIA President
Shoshana Shay, TRTIA Director of Information Systems
Ann Healy, TRTIA Administrative Assistant
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Anne Keltie studied The First Degree of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® in 1984 in the first TRT® classes in Great Britain. She was one of the early Authorized Instructors in England and was deeply committed to the intact science of TRT®.
Over the decades, Anne was a steady and generous supporter of TRTIA. She participated in many international events until her failing health in more recent years kept her from traveling. Even then, she would communicate with the TRTIA office, most often in the form of her art and beautifully-written cards of support, to donate her fee for events and let TRTIA know she was planning to attend conferences and meetings on the inner planes.
Anne compiled and wrote a book about TRT®, The Radiance Technique® and Death and Dying, A Journey in Awakening (currently out of print), which was published in 1995 with a foreword by Dr. Barbara Ray and Marvelle Lightfields. Accompanied by Anne's own illustrations, she put together a collection of materials to support students of The Radiance Technique® "challenged by the situation of the death-and-dying process," including excerpts from Dr. Ray's works, quotes from great literature, and sharings from students about cycles and transitions of all kinds.
We are remembering Radiant Anne with Love and express our Gratitude for her support of TRTIA and The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® forever.
- Katherine Lenel, TRTIA President
Shoshana Shay, TRTIA Director of Information Systems
Ann Healy, TRTIA Administrative Assistant
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Joyce Kenyon studied The First Degree of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® in 1984 and dedicated herself to the study and teaching of the intact science of TRT®. As an Authorized Instructor, Joyce brought a passion for Real Reiki® to her outreach, touching thousands of students in Southern California and beyond.
Through three decades, Joyce gave generously of her time and energy at various times as a member of the TRTIA Board of Directors, an officer of TRTIA and, for some years, the Western Regional Coordinator for TRTIA. Attendees of TRTIA's Conferences really enjoyed Joyce's "stress busters" and creative ways to apply Radiant Touch® even while sitting in a folding chair. Over the years, Joyce shared her Radiant smile and enthusiasm in many TRTIA events, including tours to Egypt, the American Southwest, Colorado, and more.
Joyce was always committed to encouraging students in their use of TRT® no matter what the circumstances. Her deep honoring of the science was clear in her teaching, lectures and outreach. Joyce's love for and dedication to the intact science of The Radiance Technique® continue to shine through the students she inspired and all those who knew her.
We will Always remember Radiant Joyce and express our enormous Gratitude for her support of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® forever.
- Dr. Barbara Ray, Honorary Advisor
Shoshana Shay, Honorary Advisor Assistant & Co-Director
Katherine Lenel, Co-Director
Ann Healy, Assistant to the Co-Directors
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Barbara Bliss studied The First Degree of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® with Dr. Barbara Ray in 1981 and became one of the earliest Authorized Instructors. Many people have known Barbara well from TRTIA activities in the past thirty-six years. She welcomed people at conferences and participated enthusiastically in every TRTIA fundraising event. She volunteered tirelessly at every Conference bookstore. In the days before email, Barbara would help with any and every mailing, sealing thousands of envelopes with good humor and great willingness. No matter how great or small the task, Barbara was always there to help!
Barbara was also committed to what was founded in 1986 as The Radiance Foundation, Inc., and is currently The Radiant Peace Foundation International, Inc. She organized many garage sales, local bonanza sales, raffles and walks, raising much-needed funds over many years. She participated frequently in a variety of Radiant Peace® projects and often visited The International Museum of Radiant Peace, rain or shine.
We will always remember Radiant Barbara with great fondness, expressing our heartfelt Gratitude for her dedicated support of TRTIA Forever.
- Dr. Barbara Ray, Honorary Advisor
Shoshana Shay, Honorary Advisor Assistant & Co-Director
Katherine Lenel, Co-Director
Ann Healy, Assistant to the Co-Directors
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The Board of Directors, Officers and Honorary Advisor of The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc. invite you
to join us in honoring and celebrating the life of Maralyn Rose, who recently made her transition (August 2015).
Maralyn was a longtime dedicated student and one of the early Authorized Instructors of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®. In her thirty-six years of using TRT®, she generously gave of her time and energy to TRTIA in innumerable ways. At various times over the years, Maralyn served as Executive Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and a member of the Board of Directors, and as a steady and tireless helper at TRTIA Conference bookstores. Thanks to her skills, the TRTIA office of the 1980's was run with care and accuracy: there are abundant files with Maralyn's handwriting on them to this day!
Maralyn also had a deep commitment to what was founded in 1986 as The Radiance Foundation, Inc., and is currently The Radiant Peace Foundation International, Inc. She was a co-editor of the early book of children's quotes about Radiant Peace®, Heart to Heart. With a great love of Radiant Peace® projects, Maralyn generously read essays, put together mailings, and took the Foundation through the transition from typewriter to computers and to the decade when TRTIA accepted responsibility for continuing Radiant Peace® projects.
Whatever the circumstance, Maralyn was always quietly present and willing to do what was needed. Many of the books published about The Radiance Technique® were first typed by Maralyn. Even in the recent years of her physical illness, she volunteered for TRTIA by putting older printed texts about Authentic Reiki® into digital format. In Maralyn's own words, "I am honored to volunteer in whatever way I can to assist, and love doing it. It's so uplifting to touch into the energy of the books and the sharings." After she completed putting one book into Word, she wrote, "What a Joy it has been - much Gratitude for the opportunity!"
Our Heart First Love remembering Radiant Maralyn and enormous Gratitude for her support of TRTIA Forever.
-- Katherine Lenel & Shoshana Shay, Co-Directors & Dr. Barbara Ray, Honorary Advisor
The Board of Directors, Officers and Honorary Advisor of The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc. invite you
to join us in honoring and celebrating the life of Gretchen Forrester, who made her transition on December 11, 2010.
For twenty-nine years, Gretchen generously supported The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc.. She served many times as a Board member and officer and helped willingly and tirelessly at TRTIA Conferences and on fundraising tours. In addition to her generous financial donations each and every year, she was always there with a helping hand and a beaming smile.
Gretchen, with her husband, Roger, was also one of the major TRTIA Building Fund donors who made possible owning our International Headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida. The purchase of the building led to greater expansion in TRTIA's service to the public, and to the establishment of The International Museum of Radiant Peace in that same building, thanks to their ongoing and generous support.
Indeed, Gretchen will be tremendously missed not only by her family but also by many friends and students of TRT® from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Egypt. She gave of herself whole-heartedly and with great Joy and Love. Everyone who met Gretchen loved her, and she was an incredible friend to all.
A Radiant citizen of this planet and the entire Universe, Gretchen left us all a personal message:
"Family and Friends are invited to celebrate the Continuing Journey with spirals of Love, Joy, Light, Laughter and Song. Heart First into always."
Our Heart First Love remembering Radiant Gretchen and enormous Gratitude for her support of TRTIA Forever.
-- Katherine Lenel & Shoshana Shay, Co-Directors & Dr. Barbara Ray, Honorary Advisor
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This page is http://www.trtia.org/memoriam.htm.
Last modified
March 9, 2022.